Be Prepared to Take Care of Sick Kids
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015
By Jen
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Being sick is no fun for anyone, being sick and not being able to tell anyone what is wrong to fix it, takes the cake. Be prepared for when your kids get sick with these tips to help them get back to feeling good and running around.

1. Nose suction tool.

Runny noses be ware! We use the nose frida. The thought of sucking the snot out with your mouth was ridiculous at first, and is a little gross if you think too much about it, but it is the best at getting all that snot out of Emma's nose. Rest assured there is a filter so nothing will make it into your mouth. (P.S. I can't wait until Emma can blow her own nose.)

2. Humidifer or steamy shower.

When runny noses or coughs start, turning on a humidifier in your child's room while they sleep can help clear everything out faster and provide comfort. We like the crane drop shape humidifier, and got it as a baby shower present. 

Don't have a humidifier? Turn the shower on extra hot (but don't get in) and shut the bathroom door. Bring in some books and toys and play in the steamy bathroom. The steam will help clear up the lungs and encourage drainage as well.

Sometimes the cough will get bad enough the doctor will prescribe medicine to be given using a nebulizer. Some doctors will lend you one to use, while you talk to your insurance company about if they are covered. We learned that it was covered if we ordered through a medical supply company, but not at the regular pharmacy. Watching a few minutes of Sesame Street is a great distraction to encourage little ones to sit still while they use the nebulizer for 5-10 minutes. 

3. Saline nose drops/spray.

Getting snot out of your kids noses only works if it is wet, so adding a few drops of little remedies saline nose drops/spray helps getting everything moist enough to be sucked out. It also helps rinse out the yuckiness. Even as an adult I use saline nose spray.

4. Pedialyte. 

Milk doesn't do anyone much good when they are all stuffed up, it makes the mucus thicker. Pedialyte (or store brand versions) is a great way to help make sure your kids get all their fluids when they are sick. It is designed to replace fluids that have been lost, and is also great to make sure they don't get lost in the first place. We asked our doctor and she said it is a great for when kids are sick. We don't give Emma juice and so I asked the doctor's thoughts on Pedialyte and she considered it medicine rather than juice (even if Emma does call it juice).

5. Prop the head of the bed.

Sticking a pillow under the head of the bed can help make sure runny noses don't drip back down the throat as easily, and make it easier for a little one with a cough to breath. 

6. Chicken noodle soup.

I don't know how it works, but I've always had chicken noodle soup when I don't feel good. Something about the warm broth helps me feel better, breath better, and get back to being healthy. So far Emma doesn't want anything to do with chicken soup, but I know she too in time will learn about its healing powers.

7. Extra snuggles.

Mom's hugs heal all ... well not quite everything, but they are extra important when a kid doesn't feel well. When Emma wants extra snuggles or is extra clingy that is often one of my first signs that she is getting sick. Taking time to snuggle with your kid when they are sick goes a long way to help comfor them. As they grow kids don't sit still as much, so soak in the snuggles as you nurse your kids back to health and they will be back to running around in no time.

Always check with your doctor to see what they recommend for your sick child. These have proven to be both doctor approved and work well for us and I hope they will help you too. Any other tips you would like to add to the list?

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