This is the way we brush our teeth
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Thursday, March 16, 2017
By Jen
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When your baby gets their first tooth there is a mixture of excitement and pain ... oh the pain. Clara got her third tooth this week which resulted in three nights of screaming and pain. The poor girl would sleep for about an hour and a half at a time and then wake up in pain, before snuggling into my shoulder and falling back asleep on me. She got a lot more sleep those nights than I did, that's for sure.

At three years old, Clara's older sister, Emma, now has a full mouth of teeth. Every night after bathtime, Emma brushes her teeth and then we "check" and often end up singing or humming the song "This is the way we brush our teeth."

In January, we took Emma to her first real dental appointment (well not technically her first, she had been once before but just to ride the chair). We were amazed at how well she did, it probably helped that Grampa is her dentist so she was excited to go to Grampa's office and see him at work. 

Emma laid down in my lap and let the dental hygienist count, brush, floss, and even paint fluoride on her teeth. Then she let Grampa check out her teeth as well. She enjoyed wearing the special glasses to protect her eyes and particularly enjoyed exploring the treasure chest of goodies to pick out a fan and a slap bracelet after her teeth were cleaned. Both Emma and I were thrilled that at her first appointment, she joined the No Cavity Club, something I hope she will continue to be a part of!

It is fun to see Emma learning how to take care of herself, including her teeth. She is learning from her dad and I, from her Grampa, and even at school. Now that Clara has three teeth, she gets to learn about brushing her teeth as well. Admittedly, I think Clara enjoys having her teeth brushed much more than Emma does, partially because brushing her teeth (and chewing on her toothbrush) makes her swollen gums feel better.

Dental hygiene is very important, and something I learned from an early age as a result of having a dad who is also a dentist. In time, Clara will also get to ride in the chairs at Grampa's office and get her teeth cleaned -- and hopefully join the No Cavity Club.

Tags: Health
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