Everyone tells you kids grow up so fast, and you don't entirely believe and definitely don't completely understand it until you are watching your own grown. Before you know it the little baby you are snuggling in one arm, requires two arms to hold, and then is so mobile and active that even with two arms sometimes its hard to hold your not so little one.
To help enjoy watching Emma grow, I made a growth chart that is now hanging on our wall. A milestone tracker and decoration in one.
We had a scrap piece of wood from another project and so I stained it, marked off the inches, and added decoration.

The project became some nap time craft time for me, and another opportunity for Emma to learn her colors. I used mason jar lids to trace circles, and acrylic paint to color in the circles in a rainbow pattern. Then I topped it off with a few coats of lacquer, and it was good to go.

Since I used a scrap piece of wood, I figured out how tall I wanted it to go (tall enough to include Daddy who is 6' 3''), and then figured out where it would start. It goes from 33'' to 78'' (2' 9'' to 6' 6'').

I tacked a picture hanger on the back, and a hammered a nail in the wall, and the growth chart is now on our wall.

I had to laugh when I finished and realized Emma isn't tall enough to start marking her on it ... yet. So, now Emma needs to grow into her growth chart ... one more inch and we can start marking her milestones!