Emma started in a new classroom at her school today. All over again we are learning what to expect, getting to know new teachers, new rules ... lots of new. She clung extra tight to Daddy as he dropped her off this morning, and was all smiles by the time I picked her up this evening. It's fun watching her grow, and it made me think a lot about her first day of school.
She started at her school about 4 months ago. I know its not that long, but at 17 months old, that is a quarter of her age so bear with my sentimentality.
We were really luck that during Emma's first year she got incredible one-on-one care. I spent 9 weeks at home with her, and then my husband was able to take 12 weeks, with about 3 weeks of overlap. That time was invaluable!
It Takes a Village
Then Nana stepped in. My mom is an educator for a college, and she was able to come spend the summer with us. She not only took care of Emma, she took care of Mark and I too, helping out with laundry and making sure we ate dinner. No matter how much we said just focus on Emma, I am her baby so coming to help was more than just about Emma it was about helping Mark and I too. It made for an easy transition for both of us back to work, knowing that Emma was at home and safe and loved, and we could peek in at her during naptimes over the video camera monitor. When Nana went back home, Emma had just celebrated her 6 month birthday.
Emma then got to spend the next 6 months with our neighbor, her kids, and another little girl just over a year older than Emma. I would literally walk 2 doors down the street to drop her off or pick her up. I got picture and video text messages, and Emma became like one of their family, she still is. Our neighbor watched Emma and another little girl just over a year older than Emma while her kids were at school. In fact, one of the little girl's first words was Emma!
Our neighbor is still a big help, and she picks Emma up from school 1-2 nights a week, and Emma eats dinner at their house. It is true that it takes a village.
New School
A week before Emma turned 13 months, Emma started going to a local daycare/school. She is one of 8 kids in a classroom with 2-3 teachers throughout the day. The school is in the same town that we live so that Daddy and I can share the drop off and pick ups, too (we commute in opposite directions). It has been a great opportunity for Emma to make friends (and us too). It has also brought its own challenges. Suddenly we are on their schedule, are clocking her in and out, and dealing with inclement weather delays and closings.
I had some tears that first day when I dropped her off, but Emma was a rockstar. She sat down with her new class and started eating her breakfast, even offered some to me and went about her day. But when I went to take her picture as I left, she was too enthralled by her new classmates and the cheerios to even smile for the camera.

The first few weeks were a big adjustment, not just for her, but for us too. Emma has taken well to the new schedule, has gotten better at napping, and is happy when I pick her up at night. She gets good report cards and sometimes even gives her teachers a hug goodbye at night, which is a great sign for me.
Emma still gets to spend 1-2 evenings a week with our neighbor. She picks her up from school, and they go home and play and eat dinner. And then I scoop her up and take her home and get my own playtime, and snuggles before bed.
Childcare is a big stressor, but with carefully coordinated schedules, and the help of friends and family you can work and be mom! I soak up every minute I can get with her, and know I have to rely on others for help.